Recording through drawing is a valuable tool to recognise the principal themes and thoughts developed from a master:CLASS, offering the opportunity to report back to colleagues in an efficient and engaging way.
The most beneficial task in preparing the diagrams is to distil talks, discussions and debates into a few lines of text. This is challenging as conversations are often lengthy and full of valuable ideas, prompting reflection and consideration of the outcomes of each master:CLASS.
Recording through drawing is an insightful method of documenting and evaluating a master:CLASS, highlighting key points of learning and reflection. A series of drawings reflecting an event is useful to explain experiences and outcomes and as a tool to disseminate the master:CLASSES to the public. A user guide is available to record further master:CLASSES in this way.

Ice-breaker to acknowledge and share our skills.

Transition to our terminology master:CLASS.

Brainstorming definitions within our terminology master:CLASS.

Rokiah Yaman talked to us about how she became involved in building a micro anaerobic digester and sourcing skilled volunteers

Inside the anaerobic digester. This prototype uses very little energy to run, sourced from photovoltaics and solar thermal panels.

Accreditation master:CLASS developes into gentrification debate at Pop Brixton.

Loughborough Farm is only a short walk from Pop Brixton, yet their social contexts and approaches are very different.

Mini master:CLASSES in horticulture before drinking tea and chatting with the regular volunteers.

An evening at R-Urban Wick with dinner and talks provided by Public Works.

Evening in the civic classroom 01

Evening in the civic classroom 02

Reflecting on our master:CLASS event.