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Loughborough Farm 


Loughborough farm is a community food growing organisation based in Loughborough Junction. The project launched in August 2013 and is primarily focused on food growing with other events such as DIY and communal cooking also running out of the site.


All food grown on site is communally grown with regular volunteers able to take produce home after each session. The site also runs a stall at it's entrance selling produce from the farm on the first Saturday of each month. The farm aims to be a sustainable; all profits from sales are for the benefit of the farm.


Currently the farm is open for volunteering sessions on Tuesday and Saturdays and anyone is welcome to drop in and help.


Loughborough farm is part of the Loughborough Junction Action Group which is a collection of independent individuals working to improve and regenerate the local area.


You can find out more about the farm and how to get involved here.

Old Tidemill Wildlife Garden


Old Tidemill Wildlife Garden is a community green space in heart of Deptford just off the Deptford High street. The space is collaboratively run, maintained and managed entirely by local residents. Free and open for all to use.


It is best described as a “common resource" for the local community. Although the future of the site is uncertain due to ongoing proposed development discussions. The people of Deptford want to ensure that the space continues to be a public space to be enjoyed and used by all.


The site was formally a school, when the school moved to a new site a group of guardians called Assembly SE8 moved in to look after the building and began to set up the community space. The garden reopened to the public in September 2012 and has been hosting a wide variety of community led events ever since, including arts and craft classes, theatre workshops and community cooking events.


You can find out more about the Old Tidemill Wildlife Garden and how to get involved here.

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Roman Road


“Roman Road Trust is an economic and community development group representing the local residents of Bow and the businesses of its high street and market, Roman Road and Roman Road Market, in London’s East End.”


The Roman Road Trust is a not-for-profit community interest company that works to help the local community in Bow, Tower Hamlets gain civic pride in their local area. It works to regenerate the local high street and strengthen the local economies.


Roman Road Trust run a yearly festival on the Roman Road, which has been incredibly successful at raising the profile of the area and giving the community a sense of pride.


Roman Road Trust trialled a yard market this year and it will be returning in Spring 2017 as a fresh produce and hot food market, they want it to be a community hub rather than just a market and encourage local groups to run workshops and exhibitions at the Yard market.


Roman Road Trust is also developing a Neighbourhood Plan for the area, with the aim of getting as much of the local community engaged as possible. For more information and to get involved click here.

R-Urban Wick


R-urban Wick, currently based in Hackney Wick, is a volunteer led network exploring eco-civic construction principles using collective and participatory design processes.


The current site is a vacant site awaiting development in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic park in Stratford. Temporary, reversible and mobile design are key issues the project explores.


The emphasis at R-urban Wick is on creating a new public recycling facility, volunteers are currently building a mobile Anaerobic Digester on the site and plan to use the Bio-Gas it produces to fuel a community kitchen, enabling community cooking on site. They currently share the site with Mobile Garden City, a temporary community growing initiative.


The next phase of the R-Urban Wick project aims to establish a series of community run facilities.


As part of R-urban’s larger network there is currently a series of eco-civic projects being developed in Colombes, a north-west suburb of Paris. 


For more information and to get involved, click here

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